Egyébként, ha már Kína a példa a mi kedves vezetőnk előtt, bárcsak úgy lenne:
"And China has the luxury of many scientifically sophisticated leaders. Sometimes their central committee is dripping with PhDs."
Nálunk ugye Tállai András, stbstb, hosszan lehetne sorolni.
Többi idézetre nem is reagálok, túl hosszú lenne, így is az már.
"But last year, they installed 75% of the wind that we have ever installed in 60 years, added together. In one year, they did 75% of all the US wind power. But in solar, it’s better because they did measurably more last year than we have ever done collectively over the years in the US. Just think about that. That is amazing, isn’t it? This is perhaps the most obvious long-term, intermediate-term problem. And they’re able to do in one year what we’ve taken 20 years in solar and 40, 50 years in wind. They produce 80% of the world’s solar panels. A solar panel, if we allowed them in tax-free, is a third of the cost that we pay in America: $0.10 per megawatt versus $0.30 or something like that, and in Europe, it’s $0.20."
"What can they do that they haven’t done? EVs, they’re building—over half of all the EVs under construction today are in China. Their fleet is now 25% versus, you tell me, 5% or 6% in the US or less."
"China, by the way, makes 90% of all the electric buses in the world. This is not 19%, this is 90%. These numbers are just crazy."
"In 2003, the Chinese contribution to major peer-reviewed articles was a rounding error by 1%. America, totally dominant. Last year, China overtook the US. You can’t do this in 20 years. It would seem to be impossible to go from an educational system that is not producing any material number of peer-reviewed articles in the top journals to having the most. It is a major, major achievement. Their academic achievement standards, the average graduate, been rising steadily as ours have been sinking down—they trust, the list. And they’re cranking out multiples of our engineers and scientists and physicists. And the rating of their universities still way behind us, but it is roaring through the international list. This last year, they have made average top Chinese university has jumped 10 or 20 places. And in the next 20 years, they will be butting their head into the top 20. And it’s an achievement that has come completely—have you heard it—completely silent. The cliché is China sucks."
Innen emeltem ki pár dolgot:
"And China has the luxury of many scientifically sophisticated leaders. Sometimes their central committee is dripping with PhDs."
Nálunk ugye Tállai András, stbstb, hosszan lehetne sorolni.
Többi idézetre nem is reagálok, túl hosszú lenne, így is az már.
"But last year, they installed 75% of the wind that we have ever installed in 60 years, added together. In one year, they did 75% of all the US wind power. But in solar, it’s better because they did measurably more last year than we have ever done collectively over the years in the US. Just think about that. That is amazing, isn’t it? This is perhaps the most obvious long-term, intermediate-term problem. And they’re able to do in one year what we’ve taken 20 years in solar and 40, 50 years in wind. They produce 80% of the world’s solar panels. A solar panel, if we allowed them in tax-free, is a third of the cost that we pay in America: $0.10 per megawatt versus $0.30 or something like that, and in Europe, it’s $0.20."
"What can they do that they haven’t done? EVs, they’re building—over half of all the EVs under construction today are in China. Their fleet is now 25% versus, you tell me, 5% or 6% in the US or less."
"China, by the way, makes 90% of all the electric buses in the world. This is not 19%, this is 90%. These numbers are just crazy."
"In 2003, the Chinese contribution to major peer-reviewed articles was a rounding error by 1%. America, totally dominant. Last year, China overtook the US. You can’t do this in 20 years. It would seem to be impossible to go from an educational system that is not producing any material number of peer-reviewed articles in the top journals to having the most. It is a major, major achievement. Their academic achievement standards, the average graduate, been rising steadily as ours have been sinking down—they trust, the list. And they’re cranking out multiples of our engineers and scientists and physicists. And the rating of their universities still way behind us, but it is roaring through the international list. This last year, they have made average top Chinese university has jumped 10 or 20 places. And in the next 20 years, they will be butting their head into the top 20. And it’s an achievement that has come completely—have you heard it—completely silent. The cliché is China sucks."
Innen emeltem ki pár dolgot:
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308 átütésével szépen feljött már többször 314ig, de úgy fest itt mindig elakad, pedig a következő ellenállás 318 környéke lenne csak, mint történelmi csúcs.
Real:313 (ma volt 314,7 is)