Szép ez a hét, de ne feledjük, mi nagyobbat estünk, mint mások. Még innen is 40%, hogy a pánik előtti szintre kerüljünk. Úgyhogy, kedves, részvény, a feladat adott!:)
Dow jumps over 500 pts at open on stimulus optimism Equities in the United States opened the Thursday session on the positive note, despite record-high jobless figure of 3,283,000 claims last week that surged above the Great Recession numbers of 695,000. At the same time, investors still kept their focus on the $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill that was approved by the US Senate on Wednesday. Powell: Only Treasury backstop can limit Fed's lending. United States Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told NBC's Today program on Thursday that the only limit to the central bank's lending to support the economy amid the coronavirus crisis can be "how much backstop" from the Treasury Department it can get.Still, Powell stressed that the Fed has the ability to "aggressively" step in to tackle the impact of the coronavirus as $1 of Treasury backstop is enough to support $10 worth of loans. 3/26, 12:13 PM United States Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told NBC on Thursday that the country may "well be in recession" due to the coronavirus pandemic, but insisted there is "nothing wrong" with the US economy, "quite the contrary."Powell stressed that the US should focus on getting the virus under control and once the disease is defeated, the economy will rebound.The Fed chair pointed out that the current situation is "unique" and it is not a "normal recession" as the economy is stagnating because people were asked to step away from work to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Ma is 200millió feletti forgalom lesz és lehet,hogy zöldben zárunk. Hát szép hetünk van,lesz :D Ebben a pánikban ennek is örülni lehet. Ha sok befektetőnél leesik,hogy itt nem lesz visszaesés,sőt akár újabb megrendelések is jöhetnek az otthoni munkák előtérbe kerülésével,akkor ugorhatunk majd sokkal feljebb.
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