..,And it's just happenning..
Harami Bullish Timeframe: Daily
Reliability: Low
A reversal pattern.
The Harami Bullish Pattern is characterized by a small white real body contained within a prior relatively long black real body. 'Harami' is old Japanese word for pregnant. The long black candlestick is 'the mother' and the small candlestick is 'the baby'.
The smaller the second candlestick, the stronger is the reversal signal. The shadows of the second candlestick do not have to be contained within the first candle’s body, though it's preferable if they are. Pattern needs confirmation on the next candlestick.
Harami Bullish Timeframe: Daily
Reliability: Low
A reversal pattern.
The Harami Bullish Pattern is characterized by a small white real body contained within a prior relatively long black real body. 'Harami' is old Japanese word for pregnant. The long black candlestick is 'the mother' and the small candlestick is 'the baby'.
The smaller the second candlestick, the stronger is the reversal signal. The shadows of the second candlestick do not have to be contained within the first candle’s body, though it's preferable if they are. Pattern needs confirmation on the next candlestick.
Richter topik
Az elemzők hosszabb távon vonzónak tartják a Richtert, ezért ajánlásukat felhalmozásra módosították. A célárfolyamot viszont a korábbi 47 580 forintról 46 310-ra rontották, azzal párhuzamosan, hogy a belföldi értékesítési előrejelzéseiket is lejjebb vitték.