A pénzügyi válság kitörése után, 2009-ben a Bitcoin feltalálásával kiszabadult a szellem a palackból: az emberiség többé már nem fogja elfelejteni, hogyan kell egy központi felügyelet nélküli virtuális pénzt létrehozni. Blummer Tamás Bitcoin...
a teljes cikk: http://www.portfolio.hu/cikkek.tdp?k=2&i=188046
Annyit reklámozzátok Varience-t, hogy elolvastam néhány bejegyzését. Nehéz megítélni a blogja alapján, hogy mire lenne képes a fronton, de jó a srác nagyon, jó az előadó képessége és azért van tudás is bőven, és nagyon fiatal, remélem lesz lehetősége bekerülni egy elit csapatba, mert a blog nem ad annyi gyakorlatot, hogy az előrehaladásod korrekt legyen. Az tetszett, hogy egy nVidia GeForce 10-es series kártyával nyomul, de mire jutna egy Bitfury B8 Black géppel?.., habár annak már fizetik a költségeit ha ügyes vagy. Kiváncsi lennék?
Egy percig nem figyelek oda és 6700 alá esett, de semmi baj, hiszen tökéletes beszállót biztosítanak sok lemaradt hodlernek. Gyerünk spájzolni, itt a lehetőség.
Csak tudnám mire van ez a nagy hozsannázás a btc-re, fél éve kínlódik már, megint 7k-felé megy, most már a 8k-át nem bírta áttörni vagy 3 hét alatt kb. A többi meg nincs külön úton, az összes együtt mozog, még az a ripple is aminek elvileg semmi köze nincs hozzá. Brutál manipulált az egész piac.
Törölt felhasználó2018. 06. 09. 02:36
A call to arms I make this as a call to all miners, to all entrepreneurs, to all business people and to all those seeking to create something more. To change the world and leave a mark.I call not for you to fight for me.With Me.To compete with me, and to compete to achieve more than me. At worst, to compete against me, but, to compete!nChain, as BMG are miners. We are developers, we are entrepreneurs, and we are creators. We live or die on profit.I write this document knowing that it is our one and only opportunity. Our opportunity as a world, as one people, one race for that is all we are. Far too much time has been squandered already. Many believe that the seed of this idea is out there and that once it takes root, it can never be extinguished. That is in error. If Bitcoin fails, then the idea will never be what it was designed to be. There will never be a free, open, hard and uncontrolled money. Nothing else will replace it. What comes will use the technology, but it will be something else, something monstrous and something that enslaves and not something that frees.I have pledged to create at least ten whitepapers a week; I average 12. White paper 682 has just been uploaded and I will have 685 before the end of the weekend. These lead to ideas and implementations that we patent and that will be used on Bitcoin (BCH). Some, such as Keyportapp have used a couple of my earliest and simplest ideas. What is to come does not even scratch the surface.Whether you like patents or not is of no consequence. The simple matter is these are a tool, and I shall use any and all tools at my disposal to achieve my goals.This is simple. 5 billion transactions a day by 2020 and 5 billion people using Bitcoin (Cash) by 2030.I will NOT be your leader. I will do, and if you follow, if you do not compete, I will leave you behind. If you compete to build this system, I will embrace you as a brother, a sister and a friend. In sports, when we compete, we grow closer. We can compete and respect the ability of those we compete against. We can not ever respect those who do not try, do not strive.In 2012, I started working on a microservices architecture for a node. This was iDaemon at the time, and it will be continued in Terranode. This was not as easy as I hoped. Not as simple. However, it is happening, and it will allow the development of the bitcoin node and protocol piece by piece. Not as a monolith system, but in components. Not because of me, but through the help and sweat of others who are far better coders than I ever tried to be. In December 2015, I ran from the attention that was suddenly and unexpected cast upon me. For that and for the time before where I tried to develop and research in obscurity, I am sorry for that but little more, I should have handled things better, but, if you do not like it, I do not care. I will never be what many want me to be, I will never be your king, your leader, but I shall be a steward for Bitcoin. I shall create and develop and work both on the front line and behind the scenes. I was called a fraud as I “could not” have been as qualified as was reported. Well, here is the thing, I exceed all you know and have achieved more since then. I do not care if you think this is bragging. That is your reaction to feeling inadequate for all those times you know you could have done more, to have studied harder. I am working on my fourth doctorate, and I have these in fields that are said to be incompatible, and I no longer care. I am even a qualified motor mechanic; I do not simply box myself into what others say is a limit. There are no limits other than those you impose on yourself.People fear intelligence. They do this as they cannot understand it. Strength is simple to understand, but intelligence, drive and achievement, scare people. Well, it is time the world was scared!I will not be what people want; I will be what they need.In this, I shall do what is needed. Only what is needed and for that, most will hate me. I will compete. I will compete in any field I touch. Not specialised in but one, in many. I will show you just how much can be done. I will take away your limits and prove we, as humanity have not begun to do what we as individuals can achieve. MORE, as a society, in friendly competition, we can do more than any of us ever conceived. In 2020, the reward will halve. In 2024 or earlier, it shall do so again. That is only six years away. In this time, the mining reward will drop to 6.25 and then 3.125 Bitcoin a block. Bitcoin is not sustainable unless it is a cash system, OnChain. Moreover, with the changes to BTC, I am saddened to see that cannot ever be achieved. It will be on BCH. For, I will not allow Bitcoin to end. In time, people will see the one difference that exists between BCH and ALL other crypto-coins. The one thing that BCH has retained and all others eschewed. The one thing that determines if it lives or dies long term. The Ponzi of speculation for pump sake, this will not survive without growth for another 5 or 6 years, and the result is that the idea of sitting in your pyjamas and making money will come crashing down.nChain and others I know control a large percentage of Bitcoin. This is not to HODL, but to invest. There is a distinction. To HODL is to sit and wait for others, to do nothing but expect a Lambo in the morning. I am sorry, that is not a good strategy. If you want to be rich, you must work. To get up and choose, to decide and not sit on the fence.We at nChain are not going to lead by calling for others to do what we seek. We are going to lead if you call it that through competition. We are going to risk what we have, what we are in developing a system that scales, not slightly, but to the world.We will make Bitcoin global. We will bring it to the furthest reaches of the Earth, the poorest people, the most desperate and the ends that are ignored and we will take it into applications and uses that have never been imagined and uses that do not even exist in minds outside our company yet.We will make it cash. Global, universal cash.I do not care if you like me. I expect to be hated as I will disrupt the world, change the status quo and leave the world on a different path. When you think you know me… expect to learn that you must start again. If you are a miner, an entrepreneur, then you can fight against me, or you can help me, but NOTHING will stop me achieving those goals of growing BCH to the world. Years ago, this was a struggle, one that was as close to despair as any can imagine. Now, it is something different. Moreover, in a year, in two, we will be in a place that even Getty could not have imagined, and this will not lead to a life of ease, but of work. Toil, enduring effort and growth. That is my choice, and that is how I choose to live and how I shall compete.Not compete with just the cryptos, not just with Alts and tokens or even fiat money. The world.1. Keyportapp: https://twitter.com/keyportappNote: BCH or Bitcoin cash IS Bitcoin. Bitcoin Core (BTC) is not, it forked and became an Alt coin going down a path that is not sustainable.If you want to know why then watch, and you will see in time the cancer that was added to BTC and how it erodes the system. If you want me to explain more… stiff. I am here to make a profit, and I am here to bring a single global monetary system, I am indeed not here to assuage your fears and make the world more comfortable for you.
"Az IMF vezető úgy véli:
“A központi bankok jellemzően a
monetáris politikájuk gyakorlásakor rövid távú kamatlábakat határoznak
meg a bankközi tartalék piacon (vagy a központi banknál tartott
elszámolási egyenlegen). Az ilyen tartalékok monopóliumának
megszüntetése valóban megfosztaná a központi bankokat a monetáris
politika végrehajtásának képességétől.” ... Világos, hogy a központi bankok fenyegetve érzik magukat lévén
elveszthetik a monetáris politikára gyakorolt hatásukat egy
decentralizált és tisztességesebb rendszerrel szemben. Az IMF vezető
által javasoltak összhangban vannak a SEC, kínai és európai pénzügyi
szabályozó szervek törekvéseivel és “tisztességtelen versenyelőny” ürügyén szabályozni tervezik a kriptogazdaság fejlődését.
Azt a nyilvánvaló iróniát sem hagyhatjuk figyelmen kívül, hogy a 200
éves dominanciát élvező központi bankok egy kevesebb mint 10 éves
alternatívával szemben ördögöt kiáltanak tisztességtelen versenyelőnyre
hivatkozva." https://www.bitcoinbazis.hu/nemzetkozi-valutalap-kriptopenz/ Üdv
Igen, biztosan így lesz, senki nem ugrana be helyettük. 😀 Ha kiszállnának beesne a difficulty, aztán emberek milliói zavarodnának meg örömükben, hogy megéri nekik bányászni otthonról. Sose lesz ilyen, de poénnak jó volt. Egy japán cég most kezdi gyártani az antminer 9 nél jobb vasát... meg persze bányaszik maga is..legalább a bitmain hatalma kicsit oszlik több fele is.
azzal, amit Jack Dorsey mond, de nem azért mert hiszem, hogy ennek így
kell lennie, hanem azért, mert azt akarom, hogy így legyen, mert olyan
tiszta a gondolatmenete." Azért a bitcoin sem magától működik, elfelejtik a centeralizált bányászatot, amit bányászfarmok működtetnek, a nyereség érdekében. A bitcoin ezeket a befektetőket szolgálja és ha nem éri meg nekik, bizony csődbe mehetnek. Aztán oda lesz a biztonság, mikor satoshi egy laptopján fog futni az egész blkklánc.
Csak idő kérdése, hogy a Bitcoin elsöpri a pénzügyi rendszert?
Ugrás a cikkheza teljes cikk: http://www.portfolio.hu/cikkek.tdp?k=2&i=188046