arról nem is szólva, hogy ha 400 pip széles sávot elfoglaló betűket/számokat használnak ugyanannak az EGY szintnek a jelölésére, akkor elég "flexibilis" lehetőségeik maradnak a "pontos" előrejelzésekre. :ÐÐ
kedves medve ur,
nem gondolom hogy ilyet barmikor mondott volna valaki. ha nem tetszik ne olvasd.
egyebkent mindenki be tud regelni maga akit erdekel, akkor innentol en nem huzom be a free week mondasait. uff.
EURUSD continued lower Wednesday. It's premature to call a bottom in place, though it's not premature to suggest the decline is likely mature. First, the decline from May 2014 is a thrust from a triangle which warns it's a terminal event. Second, the plunge underway this month represents a thrust from a triangle at smaller degree. Third, the increase in chatter about dollar strength (euro weakness) is also a sign the trend may be over extended. The call has been for EURUSD to reach parity. Today there was mention of 0.85. That's a sign bearish sentiment has reached an extreme.
The environment might be right for a bottom to form but there is no evidence a bottom is in place. A rally in five waves at small degree would offer the first hint a bottom has been established.