Ez már a személyeskedés határát is túllépi. Ne csodálkozz, ha ismét kivágnak. Nem tudsz nyugton maradni? Nem védem baboskot és nickjeit, -én már korábban is írtam, hogy ő vasutas - sok minden nekem se tetszik, de te is állandóan provokálod.
Mai Hîrfolyam holnap adhat neki löketet felfelè..ma remegők adtak,de ő dolguk. Kíváncsi vagyok h.ez az erőműves hír mennyit jelent(het) árfolyamban..?a dromedáros cikken jót röhögtem,mert azt hittem h vmi kamu..de nem:)remèlem 700fölè elmozdulunk a héten..
Amúgy megvan! Dromedar's suprise package: tipical bullish trend strenghtening candlestick pattern which got its name From the first bushman trader (Mr. Nyenyere) of the Wall street who has seen similarity between the candlestick shape and his real life experience of childhood. The lore says that he drawed the same shape after witnessing an incident in his homewn at age 8. An albino dromedar ate some bad food from soliders' food who took an afternoon nap nearby it, after their lunch. Suddenly the dromedar started to empty its liquid shit in 90 degree angle on the two Black soliders' shoulder. They've jumped very high right after ! Therefore his drawing got the name of "albino dromedar liquid shitting in 90 degree angle on two Black soliders' shoulder" which became the first name of this candlestick pattern. Of course at Wall street traders bullied him a lot because such a pattern does not exist. At the and of the of long bearish market Mr. Nyenyere saw this pattern so he called strong buy with his full money. Nobody believed him, only after the prices rocketed a few Day after. He made a fortune and after his death he got also a statue on Wall street. ;)
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