Regisztráció: 2021-06-08 15:03:11

Hozzászólások száma: 30

Utolsó hozzászólás: 2024-05-27 20:31

Tapasztalat: 3
Aktivitás: 1
Népszerűség: 4

utolsó 20 hozzászólás

OTP részvényesek ide! 2024. 05. 27. 20:31
Igaz! Bár egy bóvli elvileg nem bóvli, két bóvli kell ahhoz a 3 nagy közül hogy a legtöbb alap kivagjon egy részvényt. 
OTP részvényesek ide! 2024. 05. 27. 20:31
Igaz! Bár egy bóvli elvileg nem bóvli, két bóvli kell ahhoz a 3 nagy közül hogy a legtöbb alap kivagjon egy részvényt. 
OTP részvényesek ide! 2024. 05. 27. 20:31
Igaz! Bár egy bóvli elvileg nem bóvli, két bóvli kell ahhoz a 3 nagy közül hogy a legtöbb alap kivagjon egy részvényt. 
OTP részvényesek ide! 2024. 05. 27. 17:44
Tudtommal az egyel lejjebb az már BB+ lenne...az már junk (bóvli)
OTP részvényesek ide! 2024. 05. 26. 20:49
Azzal hogy kizárják a swift rendszerből. Ez lett belengetve a rafinak is….azaz gyakorlatilag azonnal megszunik a dollar likviditas és kikerul a nemzetkozi pénzforgalmi rendszerből….RUS-nak azért kellenek a nyugati bankok ottani leanyka és hogy ott is maradjanak mert ők az egyetlenek akik nem kerültek kizárásra a swiftből…azaz rajtuk keresztül folyhat az üzletmenet ez megnövekedett díjbevételt jelent az ott meg jelen levő bankoknak így az OTP nek is..ez pedig szúrja az USA szemet…a rafi érdekes módon valamiért nem tudja kihozni a profitot onnan OTP nek ez valamiért megy…
OTP részvényesek ide! 2024. 05. 24. 15:18
A mai nap után az OTP-nek is jár a MOL-oszti és vica verza. OTP-nél ez a cirka 5%-os tulajdonrészére 10 Mrd lekönyvelve Q2-re...
MOLly tulajok topikja 2022. 04. 20. 18:38
BERLIN, April 20 (Reuters) - Germany will stop importing oil from Russia by the end of the year, said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock after a meeting with her Baltic counterparts on Wednesday."I therefore say here clearly and unequivocally yes, Germany is also completely phasing out Russian energy imports," said Baerbock."We will halve oil by the summer and will be at 0 by the end of the year, and then gas will follow, in a joint European roadmap, because our joint exit, the complete exit of the European Union, is our common strength."
MOLly tulajok topikja 2022. 03. 23. 18:00
Sensitivity Est. Clean CCS EBITDA impact (USD mn) of Group EBITDA
+/- 50 USD/McmGas Price (NCG) - 30 M USD
+/- 10 USD/bblBrent price - 150 M USD
+/- 50 EUR/tMOL Group petchem margin - 80 M USD
+/- 1 USD/bblMOL Group refinery margin - 110 M USD
OTP részvényesek ide! 2022. 03. 22. 14:13
Price target decreased to Ft19,784
Down from Ft21,496, the current price target is an average from 12 analysts. 
  • New target price is 57% above last closing price of Ft12,620.
  • Stock is down 6.4% over the past year.
  • The company is forecast to post earnings per share of Ft1,748 for next year compared to Ft1,739 last year.
MOLly tulajok topikja 2022. 03. 22. 06:30
Consensus forecasts updated
The consensus outlook for 2022 has been updated. 
  • 2022 consensus EPS increased from Ft536 to Ft639.
  • Revenues were reaffirmed at Ft5.79t.
  • Net income forecast to shrink 21% next year vs 32% growth forecast for Oil and Gas industry in Europe .
  • Consensus price target broadly unchanged at Ft3,274.
  • Share price was steady at Ft2,634 over the past week.
OTP részvényesek ide! 2022. 03. 17. 19:22
Consensus EPS estimates increase by 57%
The consensus outlook for earnings per share (EPS) in 2022 has improved. 
  • 2022 revenue forecast increased from Ft1.37t to Ft1.46t. 
  • EPS estimate increased from Ft1,158 to Ft1,820 per share.
  • Net income forecast to grow 12% next year vs 6.8% growth forecast for Banks industry in Europe.
  • Consensus price target down from Ft21,496 to Ft20,195.
  • Share price rose 11% to Ft12,805 over the past week.
OTP részvényesek ide! 2022. 03. 17. 19:22
Consensus EPS estimates increase by 57%
The consensus outlook for earnings per share (EPS) in 2022 has improved. 
  • 2022 revenue forecast increased from Ft1.37t to Ft1.46t. 
  • EPS estimate increased from Ft1,158 to Ft1,820 per share.
  • Net income forecast to grow 12% next year vs 6.8% growth forecast for Banks industry in Europe.
  • Consensus price target down from Ft21,496 to Ft20,195.
  • Share price rose 11% to Ft12,805 over the past week.
MOLly tulajok topikja 2022. 01. 13. 14:28
MOL today signed a set of agreements with Grupa LOTOS S.A. and PKN ORLEN S.A. covering the sale and purchase of several portfolio elements. MOL acquires 417 service stations in Poland that allows the company to reach 3rd position in the local fuel retail market. An additional long-term agreement provides motor fuel supply for the acquired network in Poland. The agreements are in line with MOL Group’s updated long-term strategy “SHAPE TOMORROW” 2030+.  With this acquisition, MOL Group enters the 10th country with its Consumer Services segment. The number of service stations in the portfolio will reach 2390 from the recent 1943 units, operated under 5 different brands. This includes the recently acquired 120 OMV Slovenia service stations and the 95 new service stations in Slovakia and Hungary. These deals are subject to merger clearance.   Following the completion of the transaction MOL would emerge as a major player in the Polish fuel retail market, whilst today’s deal provides an outstanding inorganic expansion opportunity and an excellent fit to the Consumer Services ambitious growth strategy.  “For MOL this deal represents a major step on the strategic transformational journey we started in 2016 and accelerated last year by our updated strategy. Acquisition of the ACG asset in Azerbaijan, construction of the new polyol plant in Hungary and our entry to Poland are all important milestones on the way to deliver on our goals. By this acquisition, we will gain access to the biggest economy in Central and Eastern Europe as well as to reach almost 40 million potential customers with our products and services. Hungarians and Poles are sharing the same historical experiences, our common goal is to ensure the safe energy supply of the CEE region, I believe that the North-South energy corridor will strengthen further with this agreement.” – said Zsolt Hernádi, Chairman and CEO of MOL Group. 
„A bit less than 1 year ago we introduced MOL’s 2030+ strategy and our aim was to expand our service station network to 2200 units further in the CEE by 2025. By completing this transaction, we would even surpass this target as we welcome Poland in our Consumer Services portfolio.  We won’t stop here as we believe that Consumer Services has a great potential along the way of the energy transition. Our aim is to serve an increasing number of customers and to provide mobility solutions in line with changing consumer habits, along with the best quality services and goods. Lotos’s great network will be an excellent base for it”- said Peter Ratatics, Executive Vice President of Consumer Services, MOL Group.  
MOLly tulajok topikja 2021. 10. 16. 11:21
Jelenleg két cég adja az üzemanyagot…. A RÜK, mely a legnagyobb repülőtéri üzemanyag kiszolgáló cég Magyarországon, több, mint 60 éves tapasztalattal és az Air BP
MOLly tulajok topikja 2021. 10. 16. 11:21
Jelenleg két cég adja az üzemanyagot…. A RÜK, mely a legnagyobb repülőtéri üzemanyag kiszolgáló cég Magyarországon, több, mint 60 éves tapasztalattal és az Air BP
MOL tulajok normálisan 2021. 10. 12. 14:29
MOL tulajok normálisan 2021. 10. 12. 14:29
MOL tulajok normálisan 2021. 10. 12. 14:19
Meg főleg azért mert ma nem 200 forint hanem 310 egy dollár :) az olaj pedig dollár alapú biznisz
MOL tulajok normálisan 2021. 10. 12. 14:19
Meg főleg azért mert ma nem 200 forint hanem 310 egy dollár :) az olaj pedig dollár alapú biznisz

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