lenyűgöző történet...
"The families of Kerensky and Ulyanov in Simbirsk had friendly relations, they had much in common in their lifestyle, position in society, interests, and origin. Fedor Mikhailovich, after Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov died, took part in the life of the Ulyanov children. In 1887, already after Alexander Ulyanov was arrested and executed, he gave the revolutionary brother Vladimir Ulyanov a positive characteristic for admission to Kazan University [7]."
innen generáltam guglifordítóval...
az oroszok galád aknamunkájának köszönhetően egyébként fantasztikusan jól működik az orosz angol guglifordító...
"The families of Kerensky and Ulyanov in Simbirsk had friendly relations, they had much in common in their lifestyle, position in society, interests, and origin. Fedor Mikhailovich, after Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov died, took part in the life of the Ulyanov children. In 1887, already after Alexander Ulyanov was arrested and executed, he gave the revolutionary brother Vladimir Ulyanov a positive characteristic for admission to Kazan University [7]."
innen generáltam guglifordítóval...
az oroszok galád aknamunkájának köszönhetően egyébként fantasztikusan jól működik az orosz angol guglifordító...
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