Major stock market indexes in the United States finished significantly higher on Wednesday with the Dow Jones Industrial Average jumping over 1,000 points in the last minutes of trading. After yesterday's Federal Reserve's decision to cut the interest rate, its so-called Beige Book revealed that economic activity in the United States expanded at a modest to moderate rate in the last several weeks. The ISM non-manufacturing index stood at 57.3%, rising from 55.5% recorded a month earlier and topping market estimates.However, the activity in the services sector in the United States decreased in February to its lowest level in four years. Meanwhile, fears regarding the spreading coronavirus are not winding down. The current death toll from the coronavirus in the United States stands at 11. Congressional leaders reached a bipartisan deal earlier in the day over an $8 billion emergency funding bill to combat the epidemic. The Dow surged 4.53% at the end of the day while the Nasdaq 100 ended 4.13% higher. The S&P 500 gained 4.22% at the closing bell.The euro stood flat against the dollar to go for 1.11362 at 4:01 pm ET.
United States stock markets jumped on Wednesday with the Dow Jones going up by more than 1,000 index points following a decision by the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) to cut its interest rates by 50 basis points.The Dow surged 4.10% at 3:34 pm ET while the Nasdaq 100 gained 3.54% at the same time. The S&P 500 soared 3.85%.The euro traded 0.43% lower against the greenback, going for 1.11325 at 3:36 pm ET.
2020. március 04. 20:34Átléptük a 3,5%-ot isMár több mint 3,5%-os pluszban jár a Dow Jones Index másfél órával zárás előtt. Bár Kaliforniában épp most jelentették be az első halálesetet a koronavírus miatt, ami egyben a 11. haláleset Amerikában a járvány miatt, a piacok szárnyalnak az elnökválasztási hírek és a kongresszus támogatócsomagja miatt.Szűk másfél órával piaczárás előtt
Tartom és bővítgettem 540-550 között. Bízom a cég jövőjében. Dow is fordult, remélem lesz itt is hatása a BÉT-en. Meghatározó lesz az akvi, amire már nem kell sokat várni. Gondolom lesz köze a határon kívüli terjeszkedés lehetőségéhez!
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