Topiknyitó: Törölt felhasználó 2007. 08. 17. 09:49



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exmnbs1 2008. 05. 15. 11:47
Előzmény: #57236  exmnbs1
Stephen Chin – UBS

Okay. If I can just follow up on a question on the solar. Are any of these solar equipment orders being recognized in the July quarter from the large gigawatt customer that was announced in early March? If now, when can we expect orders to be signed off for that very large project?

Michael R. Splinter

Yeah, we’re not going to guide by specific customer. The orders that we booked for this quarter were for the contracts that we announced last year.

Weston Twigg – Pacific Crest Securities

Okay. Great. And I just had a question jumping back over to the solar side. I just wanted a clarification. Did you say your target is a dollar wide in standard thin film lines and that you might get a 15% to 25% improvement over that at a larger scale?

Michael R. Splinter

That’s what I said, yes.

Weston Twigg – Pacific Crest Securities

Okay. Great. Thanks.

Jay Deahna – J. P. Morgan

Thanks very much. Good afternoon. A couple of questions here. The first one I believe would be for George. George, when do you expect to shift your revenue recognition policy for sun fab tools to shipment based in line with the rest of the company from acceptance based now?

And the second question I believe for Mike. Can you give us a little more detail about the progress of your first set of customers and some of the challenges and optimism in terms of getting working single-junction panels for mid-year and when you would expect the first working tandem-junction panels.

George S. Davis

Okay. Why don’t I take the first and the third. Hi, Jay. On the shipments based question for our solar fabs I think it’s early days on that. It’s a little different than our standard because we’re basically selling a full line as opposed to a single piece of equipment. Today we’re signing off based on customer acceptance. After we get through the first few fabs then we’ll take a look at what makes the most sense. But it’s different than our existing business so we’ll be looking at everything from sign off on shipment to percentage of completion, things along those lines.

And then –

Jay Deahna – J. P. Morgan

Just a quick follow up on that one before you answer the other two.

George S. Davis


Jay Deahna – J. P. Morgan

If you sell, if you ship roughly two 60-watt tandem-junction lines per month in calendar 2009 I estimate that’s roughly $2.5 billion in revenue. Now, if that’s recognized on shipment versus acceptance that could have a huge difference in the expectations for revenue and earnings for solar in calendar 2009. So to put it a little bit differently, do you think by the time we get into calendar 2009 it will be a little bit more in line with the normal company revenue recognition policy?

George S. Davis

I really go back to what I said before, Jay. I think it’s really too early to make that call. But we’re certainly focused on that and our real attention now is on getting these initial lines up and running and performing to our customer commitments.

Jay Deahna – J. P. Morgan

Okay. Then the other two, please.

Michael R. Splinter

Hey, Jay. It’s Mike. On the progress on single junction, as I mentioned, we’re seeing two factories, two customers already depositing silicon. That’s a great sign as it’s the most critical element in making the cells. We just have a great set of people distributed around the world at every one of our customers’ factories. These are experienced people with experience in installing semiconductor equipment or display equipment. So we haven’t had, you know, trained these guys, these people from the beginning, but they have factory experience, they know how factories are supposed to run. So that gives me a lot of confidence we’re going to be able to get the equipment up, get it running, test out the cells and really see output over the next few months.

And then on the tandem shipping, obviously going to be later in the year. We expect to see output before the end of the fiscal year.

Jay Deahna – J. P. Morgan

Before the end of the fiscal year?

Michael R. Splinter



Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:42
Előzmény: #57237  Törölt felhasználó

gusztustalan vagy én csak ennyit fűznék hozzá!

Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:41
Előzmény: #57237  Törölt felhasználó
én nem viaskodok itt senkivel, te és még néháynan viaskodnak csak a tényekkel, amit talán én túl sokszor leírok.
az magyar szokás hogy az igazsággal nem tudunk szembenézni, és ez egyre jobban fáj.
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:38
Előzmény: #57234  Törölt felhasználó
exmnbs1 2008. 05. 15. 11:35
Előzmény: #57232  exmnbs1
Gary Hsueh - Oppenheimer & Co.

Yeah, hi. Thanks for taking my question. A lot of controversy here over cost per watt and the models that you enable with your customers. I keep talking relative terms about cost per watt for the industry and benefits of installation costs for the 0.5G sort of format. Could you give us some idea on single junction and tandem junction technologies to aim at and what’s your assessment of cost per watt to your customers in terms of their manufacturing model.

And number two, what are some of the big levers in terms of reducing cost per watt for your customers over the next two or three years?

Michael R. Splinter

Sure, Gary. Thanks. Okay. So, I think what we’ll see over, first of all, what I think we’ll see over a period of time is a pretty strong trend to tandem junction. Even those customers that currently have single junction will see upgrades over a period of time to tandem. We’re already, in fact, seeing that, so the big focus is how fast will tandem junction costs come down. We have a target to improve efficiency over the next few years to 10% or more. We have a target to get to the cost per watt produced of (inaudible) and a standard sun fab line we think the big lines, gigawatt scale lines we’ll see another significant reduction because of the capital efficiency there. It is not quite quantified that you can expect it to be kind of in the 15% to 25% range of cost improvements.
One of the, so as you know, we’re just starting up factories, so these numbers are all projections. One of the good things that we believe we’ll see across our factory network is very fast line as multiple factories, many engineers around the world, start to run these factories in production. So we’re already encouraged by what we’re seeing and the companies that are starting up their factories now and driving fast start up and improved operations. That’s kind of where we are and for right now I think the big thing for us is to get these factories into production and really start learning at a very fast rate.

Gary Hsueh - Oppenheimer & Co.

Okay, Mike. What about the levers, I mean, beyond efficiencies. (Inaudible) assume uptime and availability enabled by your kind of service division is another big lever in reducing cost per watt. Can you give me a sense of what percentage or relative reduction we can see with the increasing availability and up time as you (inaudible) learning curve?

Michael R. Splinter

Sure. I’m not sure I can give you all the kind of data that you want probably. We’d have to go through the spreadsheet. There are all kinds of things. Gas usage. Up time. Panel yield. Obviously efficiency productivity of our systems. Basically the speed of deposition, we’re working very hard to improve the speed of deposition. The microcrystalline layer is quite thick, so improving that speed is critically important to the cost. Electricity use of the machines. One of the things that we’ve done to work with customers, and it’s a hallmark of how our service agreement is structured, is that if the cost per watt goes down we win, we essentially get paid more in the service agreement if the cost per watt goes down for our customers. So this really aligns our motivations with the motivations of the customers. They win, we win, and hopefully the market wins.

Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:35
A mai vásárlás is megvolt!!!!Holnap jövök újabb jelentös vételel.Addig intézem a banki ceremoniát!!!
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:33
Előzmény: #57231  Törölt felhasználó
és mit csinálok ember?
leírom az igazságot, amit amúgy így-vagy úgy mindenki tud.

de cáfolj meg te vagy bárki nyugodtan, ha megvan a pénz a gyárra, és megvan az engedély.
tessék, és elszégyenlem magamat egyből!

a helyzet az hogy jó magyar módra el lesz baltázva ez a projekt...egyre világosabb.
és ezért rényiékre haragudjatok ne rám!
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:33
mindegy brezso, brezsnyev, vagy brezsnyel tökmindegy kicsit nekem is dolgozik folyamatosan tudok venni!!!!!
exmnbs1 2008. 05. 15. 11:32
Előzmény: #57227  exmnbs1
We are taking a prudent approach to managing our working capital requirements at solar. Our sun fab contracts typically require cash payments and letters of credit that must be coincided with the timing and magnitude of working capital investments.

Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:31
Előzmény: #57226  Törölt felhasználó
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:29
Előzmény: #57229  Törölt felhasználó
te is nyomod mindkét topikban + a genesis blogon is.

anyagi csődről meg mindenki tud, nincs meg a pénz a gyárra.
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:28
Előzmény: #57226  Törölt felhasználó
Ezt hol olvastad ,hogy anyagi csődben van a projekt?

Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:27
Előzmény: #57226  Törölt felhasználó
én csak azt mondom ne lovagolj még mások keserüségén... elég baj ez nekik... tisztába vagyok a céggel én is sejtem hogy mi várható..
exmnbs1 2008. 05. 15. 11:27
Előzmény: #57219  exmnbs1
we recently introduced our sun fab performance service program and just announced a multi-year agreement with T-solar in Spain.
In solar and display we are in a period of rapid growth and experiencing the inherent execution challenges that come with it. We are focused on our cost structure and will continue to keep costs in line with our business model
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:26
Előzmény: #57225  Törölt felhasználó
ez még csak a kezdet izzós.
sokan kapnak itt még infarktust az elkövetkező 1.5 hónapban asszem.
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:25
Előzmény: #57223  Törölt felhasználó
jaj gazda elélveztél? :) ugy látom nagyon élvezkedel... de sajnos ez tényleg csunya... várható volt hogy fogy a türelem a bizalom ...mindenkinek sok eröt..
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:24
Előzmény: #57223  Törölt felhasználó
csődbe ment cégben ki akar benfentes lenni?
az a gyanúm hoyg nemsokára vitveráék is mehetnek munkát keresni:-)
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:23
Előzmény: #57220  Törölt felhasználó
Hát téged aranybogaram ,civin sose venne be a buliba! :))
a Genesisben meg sosem leszel bennfentes.
Találd ki ,hogy miért. :))
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:21
Ez bizony még ma 1500 körül lesz.
rényiék röhögnek a markukba.
Törölt felhasználó 2008. 05. 15. 11:21
Előzmény: #57216  Törölt felhasználó
A profikat ,te sosem fogod megismerni,a személyiségedből adódóan. :)

A profik nem utólag okosak. :)

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