
Regisztráció: 2019-06-03 17:09:15

Hozzászólások száma: 288

Utolsó hozzászólás: 2025-01-06 16:53

Tapasztalat: 4
Aktivitás: 2
Népszerűség: 4


Felfüggesztés a teljes fórumból - 2021-09-20 14:39-ig (3 nap, 0 óra, 0 perc)
A moderátor indoklása:

utolsó 20 hozzászólás

Mtelekom 2025. 01. 06. 16:53
T+1 nap és indulunk!
Mtelekom 2024. 12. 30. 17:22
Buenos nachos!
NUTEX mindenkinek 2024. 12. 11. 16:10
ONE for all, all for NUTEX!
NUTEX mindenkinek 2024. 12. 10. 11:04
Pár'don, to the mars!
NUTEX mindenkinek 2024. 12. 10. 10:53
To the moon!
Mtelekom 2024. 10. 14. 16:03
EUR/USD 2023. 09. 04. 12:42
Mikor lesz a következő Fed kamatdöntés? Ki mire számít?
OTTone 2023. 09. 04. 12:40
Az lehetne még egy megoldás, ha jönne egy új tulaj, aki megígéri, hogy ezentúl átláthatóan és értékteremtően kezelik a K+F projekteket, és cserébe az MNB elengedné az eddigi büntetéseket...
4IG részvény 2023. 09. 01. 09:47

Tisztelt 4IG menedzsment!
Amennyiben felvásárolják az ISRV-t és az OTT1-t, 1 évig ingyen reklámozom a ONE márkanevet.
OTTone 2023. 09. 01. 09:35

Megoldás 4:
4IG megveszi az ISRV-t és az OTT1-et
DAX 2023. 08. 30. 12:30
Köszi a tippet :)
OTTone 2023. 08. 30. 10:28
Megoldás 3:
Jöjjön vissza kereskedésbe 1 Ft-on, és vigyük fel 100-ig.
OTTone 2023. 08. 30. 10:28
Megoldás 2:
ISRV kifizeti a felmerült költségeket, cserébe a tulajdonába kerül a CNC és SMD infrastruktúra.
OTTone 2023. 08. 30. 10:28
Megoldás 1:
Kerüljön állami tulajdonba a cég, fizessék ki a részvényeseket 150 Ft/részvény árfolyamon.
Szakmai felügyelet mellett végezzék el megfelelő minőségben azokat a fejlesztéseket, amikre megadták a támogatást.
OTTone 2023. 08. 30. 10:28
Írtam néhány megoldás javaslatot a jelenlegi helyzetre.
A legtöbb szavazatot kapott megoldásokat fel lehet vetni a közgyűlésen, vagy a parlamentben.
OTTone 2023. 03. 10. 08:41

Végre valami reakció, adtam is egy plusszt :)
Kéne egy menedzsment fórum, ahol kreatívan lehet ötletelni a cég jövőjével kapcsolatban...
De ha kapok 10 lájkot erre a bejegyzésre, jelöltetem magam én is a felügyeleti bizottságba :)
OTTone 2023. 03. 09. 09:58
Could you please write a business plan for 2023 for a Surface Mount Technology based company?
Executive Summary:
Our Surface Mount Technology (SMT) based company aims to provide comprehensive electronic manufacturing services to clients across different industries. Our services include PCB assembly, component sourcing, testing, and prototyping. Our primary goal is to offer high-quality services that meet the unique needs of our clients, improve their production processes, and ensure customer satisfaction.
Company Overview:
Our SMT based company will be headquartered in [location], with a team of highly skilled and experienced engineers, technicians, and customer support staff. We will leverage state-of-the-art equipment and software to ensure our clients receive high-quality services and products. Our company will focus on developing long-term relationships with clients, offering personalized services, and providing value for money.
Market Analysis:
The global SMT market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% between 2021 and 2028. The market is being driven by the increasing adoption of SMT technology in various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and telecommunications. Additionally, the demand for high-quality PCB assembly services, shorter production cycles, and reduced costs is expected to further drive the growth of the SMT market.
Target Market:
Our primary target market will be small to medium-sized businesses that require PCB assembly services, component sourcing, testing, and prototyping. Our secondary market will be larger corporations that require these services for specific projects. We will target businesses in various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, consumer electronics, and telecommunications.
Services Offered:
Our SMT based company will offer the following services:
    PCB Assembly: Our PCB assembly services include surface mount assembly, through-hole assembly, and mixed technology assembly. We will also offer PCB design and layout services.
    Component Sourcing: We will source high-quality electronic components from reputable suppliers to ensure that our clients receive the best products.
    Testing: We will perform various tests, such as functional testing, in-circuit testing, and boundary scan testing, to ensure that the products meet the required specifications.
    Prototyping: We will offer rapid prototyping services to help our clients test their designs and identify any potential issues before moving to mass production.
Marketing and Sales:
We will use various marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization, to reach out to potential clients. We will also attend trade shows and industry events to showcase our services and build relationships with potential clients. Our sales strategy will focus on offering personalized services, competitive pricing, and timely delivery.
Financial Projections:
We anticipate that our SMT based company will require an initial investment of [amount] to cover the cost of equipment, software, and salaries for our team members. We expect to generate revenue of [amount] in the first year of operations, with a net profit margin of [percentage]. Our revenue is projected to increase by [percentage] in the second year, and our net profit margin is expected to improve to [percentage].
Our SMT based company aims to provide high-quality electronic manufacturing services to businesses across various industries. We will leverage our team's expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that our clients receive the best products and services. We are confident that our personalized approach to service delivery, competitive pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction will enable us to build long-term relationships with our clients and achieve sustainable growth.
OTTone 2023. 02. 02. 16:24
A menedzsment figyelmébe:
Want to Build a SaaS Business That Gets a 20-30x Multiple? Read this:
OTTone 2023. 02. 02. 16:18
Most már sikersztorik is jöhetnének...
OTP részvényesek ide! 2023. 01. 12. 10:17
GOTO 14000

friss hírek További hírek