Topiknyitó: indexfuturestrader 2017. 09. 17. 14:06

Ironfx károsultak lépései  


"Respected Authority,
Respected European securities and Market Authority (ESMA)

This is an individual complaint, I’m a real person with Family living in Hungary.
I am a damaged client by Cypriot investment firm IronFx Global Ltd. (IronFx).
IronFx has been withholding my funds since 2015.
IronFx never provided an individual answer to my complaint.
My complaints sent to Cyprus regulatory bodies were neither answered nor examined.

I’m expecting ESMA to continue the investigation regarding IronFX Global Limited!

The reason to continue this investigation:
1. IronFx was allowed to file financial statements 2014 which were not properly audited. IronFX Global Limited became bankrupt after 15. January 2015, this was caused by the fact that Switzerland abandoned its currency ceiling,

2. Compliance Officer and Director Demetris Kyriacou Leaves IronFX, and also most of the employees have left IronFx Global Limited for a good reason:

IronFX Global Limited has misappropriate 176 million of clients’ money.

IronFx Global Limited decided to cover this huge amount, by labeling normal traders as "abusive". IronFx withhold deposit and profits of a large number of clients from Europe and third countries. This is unfair and illegal.

(FXCM Ltd., ALPARI Ltd. rightfully and honestly solved the problem caused by the CHF abandoned currency ceiling.)

3. In order to withhold my clients' funds, IronFx refers to standard contractual terms that clients have electronically signed, but IronFx contractual terms are void under EU law, since they are "unfair". According to directive 93/13/EEC, standard contractual terms must be "fair" for consumers, in order to prevent significant imbalances in the rights and obligations of consumers on the one hand and sellers and suppliers on the other hand. EU countries must make sure that effective means exist under national law to enforce these rights and that "unfair" contractual terms are no longer used by businesses. Instead of enforcing the above mentioned EU rules.

4. Cyprus authorities have allowed IronFx to stipulate "unfair" contractual terms with consumers from all Europe. The Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus refers to this provision in order to reject clients' claims in favor of IronFx, but this provision, like many other IronFx contractual terms, is void and not binding for consumers under EU law. Cyprus authorities, which should make sure that unfair contractual terms are not used by investment firms under EU law, have been allowing IronFx to withhold an huge amount of clients' money by accepting these contractual terms as valid.

Please stop this abuse and make sure that EU law is enforced in Cyprus!

Let's face the facts:
· IronFX Global Limited, a Cyprus based company could misappropriate 176 million of clients’ money due to a gap in the EU regulation.

· ESMA allow IronFX to make business in all Europe under the sole supervision of a couple of Cypriot officials.

· The Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus is not independent. He cannot work independently because the board of directors is making pressure on him. He further revealed that, since most board members are representatives of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, of banks, insurance and financial providers, there are conflicts of interest which prevents the body to be independent. The Financial Commissioner has also stated that the office has not sufficient human resource for coping with complaints against Cypriot investment firms, and that there is only one financial arbitrator. Nepotism is also playing major role in Cyprus Ombudsman staff selection. Cyprus is the only country in the EU and in the world where there are 218 Cypriot investment firms and 1 arbitration body which is not independent and not transparent. In this respect, Cyprus does not comply with the Consumer ADR directive 2013/11/EU. The actual facts are they do not have proper required staff so it’s delaying year after year and more important: the CySEC staffs is sitting in the Ombudsman board, so that the entity is not independent. From the Annual Report 2015 of Cyprus Audit Office it is clear that CYSEC staff is interested in protected IronFx.

· IronFx is insolvent: From Section 3.21 of the Annual Report 2015 of Cyprus General Auditor, it is very clear that IronFx is insolvent and has a debt of € 170 Million in clients’ money. Money belonging to clients from the EU.

· I would also like to know according to whose arbitrary decision; IronFx is allowed to withhold my (clients) deposited funds for almost 2 years without getting its license revoked by the CYSEC. According to Union Law clients deposited funds explicit belong to clients and an investment firm has to keep those funds segregated and has no authority to withhold those funds, irrespective of circumstance. Audit report also clearly showed since 2015 till today all the efforts carried out by CYSEC is only in favour of saving the IronFx business and this all lead of high level of investor abuse.

· Till today CYSEC has not taken any steps toward proper Investor protection in IronFx scandal.

· In fact CYSEC infringed Directive 2004/39 / EC ("MiFiD") article 8 , 13, 16, 17, 50 to save IronFx business.

· Why is the ESMA, European Commission not referring Cyprus to the European Court of Justice for such infringements, which caused a real damage for investors from all Europe?

· Cyprus has showed its disloyalty and disrespect toward Union law many times by sharing lie and false information on IronFx scandal.

· CYSEC has shared many times false information with other European Authorities (ESMA, European Commission)

· For personal benefit of few Cypriot politicians, CYSEC and many relevant Cypriot authorities are supporting and trying to cover the IronFx scandal and to greater extent, they are abusing Investor protection.

Summa summarum:

-How is possible the Ironfx Ltd costumers 80-90 % as an abusive trader by Cysec, while they all can trading everywhere else without any problem? FCA didnt find them as an abusive trader....

-How is possible only Ironfx Ltd didnt pay back any money to the most of the investors, while others as FXCM Ltd or ALPARI Ltd saved their own costumers from the bankruptcy?

-How is possible Ironfx Ltd could financed park construction in Cyprus?

-From where they had the money to sponzored Club Barcelona?

-Why the bookkeeping is still undercovered?

I demand you to grant my investor protection as soon as possible!
I remain at your disposal for any further clarification you may require.

Date: .. September 2017

Best Regards
............................. from Hungary (EU)"
Hozzászólások oldalanként:
Törölt felhasználó 2020. 10. 14. 08:20
Törölt hozzászólás
indexfuturestrader 2019. 12. 19. 23:14
Sajnos az Ironfx ellen hatékonyan csak Cipruson lehet pénzt behajtani , a helyi bíróságok nem teljesek jogilag erre a pénz behajtásra , ilyen szerződésszegés esetén pláne ! 4500 eur a per kb. ,plusz a nyert tőke 10%, 3 hónap- 3 év a időtartama ! Hiába nyer valaki a hazai bíróságon, a végrehajtást kint intézik, ciprusi törvények szerint ! ......Dear Roland Thank you for your email. Our law firm is dating back to 1968 and it is one of the oldest of Cyprus. We would be pleased to assist you about this legal matter, since we specialize in debt collection and we have a lot of experience in this field. We can file a lawsuit against IROFX Global Ltd for the collection of the amount they owe to you. Also please note that we have successfully taken legal results measures against this company in past and we got a good result for our clients. In order to be able to advice you better on the matter of recovering the amount please provide us with the following information and/or documents: 1. The circumstances under which the amount is owed to you and the other customers 2. Any statement of account in relation to the amount owed 3. Any invoice in relation to the amount owed 4. Any banking order and/or other documents proving transactions with IROFX Global Ltd 5. Details of IROFX Global Ltd Please note that our legal fees for the above procedure will be estimated in stages as following: 1. 500 Euros - legal fees for receiving instructions, drafting and sending a demand letter to the other party. 2. 4.000 Euros - legal fees for filing an Action in the Court, for filing the Statement of claim and any other necessary applications. Total amount: 4.500 Euros subject to VAT tax. Very low fees have been offered to you, so in case of any amount that will be refund back to you 10% should be paid in our law firm. Please note that the real expenses (court fees, stamps etc) which are around 800 Euros are included in the total amount of fees and will not be charged extra to you. Also please note that the time for the lawsuit is estimated to 3 months - 3 years depending on whether the other party will appoint a lawyer. So please provide us with the above mentioned information and also please let us know when you will be ready to proceed in order to send you the relevant invoice and detail of our bank account for payment. We hope to a fruitful cooperation and we assure you that your case will be performed with high-quality professionalism and dedication by our team of lawyers. We remain at your disposal for anything further, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further inquiries. Kind regards
indexfuturestrader 2019. 09. 04. 07:22
Előzmény: #11  indexfuturestrader
Áll a bál rendesen , még most is nyamvadt 1250uds-al is !!!!!!-------------------------------
Csak arra, hogy megosszam az IronFX (Ciprus) tapasztalatait .
Jelenleg 6 brókert használok, köztük az IronFX-et : Kezdem
pénzt átutalni a IronFX számláimból, és valódi készpénzfelvételi problémákba kerültem.
2019 február 22-e óta (egy hónap alatt) 1250 dollárt próbálok szerezni az egyik számlámból.
Az úgynevezett "számlavezetőm" eddig kissé homályosan magyarázta a fizetési rendszerek késéseit. 
Hónapok óta nagyon gyakran felhívta, hogy sürgessen engem, hogy töltsenek több pénzt a brókerben - 2019. február vége óta nem hallottam tőle - sem hívás, sem e-mail.
Két e-mailt küldtem a számlavezetőmnek, és 1 e-mailt az IronFX finanszírozási osztályának - nem válaszolok.
Számlám több mint 20 munkanapon keresztül várja a feldolgozást, magyarázat nélkül, miért nem történik meg a banki átutalás.
Hamarosan felvezem a kapcsolatot a ciprusi szabályozó hatóságokkal, és jogi lehetőségeket keresek a pénzem visszatérítése érdekében.
Még soha nem kapott semmilyen problémát én más irodák:
fogom Önt tájékoztatni, ha ezt tette valóban küld vissza a pénzem.
indexfuturestrader 2019. 08. 27. 07:47
Előzmény: #10  indexfuturestrader
Az 5 év, 2020. január .15. után lejár, ha nem perelsz vége utána, azt tudja minden magyar , a pénze ott marad örökre !
indexfuturestrader 2019. 08. 24. 22:07
Előzmény: #9  indexfuturestrader
Ironfx károsultak, Ironfx per, Ironfx pénz, Ironfx visszautalás , Ironfx pénz visszautalás , Ironfx tőke visszautalás , Ironfx tőke , Ironfx átverés , Ironfx pénzügyi ombudsman , Ironfx scam
indexfuturestrader 2019. 08. 23. 20:43
Előzmény: #8  HBM2012
Akinek a Ironfx-él van pénze bennragadva , írjon rám, email címet hagyjon ! Szervezett sztár ügyvédekkel való per lesz, várok több embert a haverokkal, több pénz a ügyvédnek még jobb . Részletekre csak mailbe válaszolok ! Szép napot ! Felesleges várni, pár embert kifizettek, legyen valami hivatkozásuk voltak akiknek fizettek is !!!! Ironfx károsultak, Ironfx per, Ironfx pénz, Ironfx visszautalás , Ironfx pénz visszautalás , Ironfx tőke visszautalás , Ironfx tőke , Ironfx átverés , Ironfx pénzügyi ombudsman , Ironfx scam
Elnézést nem foglalkoztam a üggyel, innentől lesz éles  dolog !!!
HBM2012 2018. 10. 18. 15:26
Előzmény: #2  indexfuturestrader

Én is IronFx károsult vagyok, és keresem a megoldást a pénzem visszautalására.
Szeretnék tájékozódni, hogy mire jutottatok eddig, és csatlakozni az esetleg létrejövő pertársasághoz.
Adriano81 2017. 11. 09. 20:28
Történt valamiféle előrelépés az ügyben, a legutóbbi poszt óta? 
indexfuturestrader 2017. 09. 29. 19:42
Előzmény: #5  indexfuturestrader
Itt van a magyarazat amit miatt az eljaras elinditotta az EU(Directive 2017/593/EU)
indexfuturestrader 2017. 09. 20. 14:03
Előzmény: #4  indexfuturestrader
A Esma ha fedezei őket valószínű nincs pénz a kártérítési alapba és hogy ne kelljen betenni a EU-nak húzzák még lehet a ügyet csalón ,ti tudjátok meddig vártok csodákra?!
indexfuturestrader 2017. 09. 17. 16:14
Előzmény: #3  indexfuturestrader
Ennek a mailnek a célja megvilágítani a ESMA felé melyek azok a pontok a Ironfx-nek amik egyértelmű bizonyítékok egy perbe ki-hol csalt és az bizonyítható is! Ez a első lépcső ,innen nincs hova várnunk,jön a többi ,aki pénzt akar látni jelezze felém,és ha kell szervezet per lesz ! DE EZT MÉG KÜLDJE EL MINDENKI!
indexfuturestrader 2017. 09. 17. 15:04
Előzmény: #2  indexfuturestrader
Ebben a mailbe olyan dolgok vannak,amik eddig soha,ezzel perbe szembe kell nézniük ,persze nem Cipruson! GO-GO SEND MAIL!!!!
indexfuturestrader 2017. 09. 17. 14:10

"Respected Authority,
Respected European securities and Market Authority (ESMA)

This is an individual complaint, I’m a real person with Family living in Hungary.
I am a damaged client by Cypriot investment firm IronFx Global Ltd. (IronFx).
IronFx has been withholding my funds since 2015.
IronFx never provided an individual answer to my complaint.
My complaints sent to Cyprus regulatory bodies were neither answered nor examined.

I’m expecting ESMA to continue the investigation regarding IronFX Global Limited!

The reason to continue this investigation:
1. IronFx was allowed to file financial statements 2014 which were not properly audited. IronFX Global Limited became bankrupt after 15. January 2015, this was caused by the fact that Switzerland abandoned its currency ceiling,

2. Compliance Officer and Director Demetris Kyriacou Leaves IronFX, and also most of the employees have left IronFx Global Limited for a good reason:

IronFX Global Limited has misappropriate 176 million of clients’ money.

IronFx Global Limited decided to cover this huge amount, by labeling normal traders as "abusive". IronFx withhold deposit and profits of a large number of clients from Europe and third countries. This is unfair and illegal.

(FXCM Ltd., ALPARI Ltd. rightfully and honestly solved the problem caused by the CHF abandoned currency ceiling.)

3. In order to withhold my clients' funds, IronFx refers to standard contractual terms that clients have electronically signed, but IronFx contractual terms are void under EU law, since they are "unfair". According to directive 93/13/EEC, standard contractual terms must be "fair" for consumers, in order to prevent significant imbalances in the rights and obligations of consumers on the one hand and sellers and suppliers on the other hand. EU countries must make sure that effective means exist under national law to enforce these rights and that "unfair" contractual terms are no longer used by businesses. Instead of enforcing the above mentioned EU rules.

4. Cyprus authorities have allowed IronFx to stipulate "unfair" contractual terms with consumers from all Europe. The Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus refers to this provision in order to reject clients' claims in favor of IronFx, but this provision, like many other IronFx contractual terms, is void and not binding for consumers under EU law. Cyprus authorities, which should make sure that unfair contractual terms are not used by investment firms under EU law, have been allowing IronFx to withhold an huge amount of clients' money by accepting these contractual terms as valid.

Please stop this abuse and make sure that EU law is enforced in Cyprus!

Let's face the facts:
· IronFX Global Limited, a Cyprus based company could misappropriate 176 million of clients’ money due to a gap in the EU regulation.

· ESMA allow IronFX to make business in all Europe under the sole supervision of a couple of Cypriot officials.

· The Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus is not independent. He cannot work independently because the board of directors is making pressure on him. He further revealed that, since most board members are representatives of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, of banks, insurance and financial providers, there are conflicts of interest which prevents the body to be independent. The Financial Commissioner has also stated that the office has not sufficient human resource for coping with complaints against Cypriot investment firms, and that there is only one financial arbitrator. Nepotism is also playing major role in Cyprus Ombudsman staff selection. Cyprus is the only country in the EU and in the world where there are 218 Cypriot investment firms and 1 arbitration body which is not independent and not transparent. In this respect, Cyprus does not comply with the Consumer ADR directive 2013/11/EU. The actual facts are they do not have proper required staff so it’s delaying year after year and more important: the CySEC staffs is sitting in the Ombudsman board, so that the entity is not independent. From the Annual Report 2015 of Cyprus Audit Office it is clear that CYSEC staff is interested in protected IronFx.

· IronFx is insolvent: From Section 3.21 of the Annual Report 2015 of Cyprus General Auditor, it is very clear that IronFx is insolvent and has a debt of € 170 Million in clients’ money. Money belonging to clients from the EU.

· I would also like to know according to whose arbitrary decision; IronFx is allowed to withhold my (clients) deposited funds for almost 2 years without getting its license revoked by the CYSEC. According to Union Law clients deposited funds explicit belong to clients and an investment firm has to keep those funds segregated and has no authority to withhold those funds, irrespective of circumstance. Audit report also clearly showed since 2015 till today all the efforts carried out by CYSEC is only in favour of saving the IronFx business and this all lead of high level of investor abuse.

· Till today CYSEC has not taken any steps toward proper Investor protection in IronFx scandal.

· In fact CYSEC infringed Directive 2004/39 / EC ("MiFiD") article 8 , 13, 16, 17, 50 to save IronFx business.

· Why is the ESMA, European Commission not referring Cyprus to the European Court of Justice for such infringements, which caused a real damage for investors from all Europe?

· Cyprus has showed its disloyalty and disrespect toward Union law many times by sharing lie and false information on IronFx scandal.

· CYSEC has shared many times false information with other European Authorities (ESMA, European Commission)

· For personal benefit of few Cypriot politicians, CYSEC and many relevant Cypriot authorities are supporting and trying to cover the IronFx scandal and to greater extent, they are abusing Investor protection.

Summa summarum:

-How is possible the Ironfx Ltd costumers 80-90 % as an abusive trader by Cysec, while they all can trading everywhere else without any problem? FCA didnt find them as an abusive trader....

-How is possible only Ironfx Ltd didnt pay back any money to the most of the investors, while others as FXCM Ltd or ALPARI Ltd saved their own costumers from the bankruptcy?

-How is possible Ironfx Ltd could financed park construction in Cyprus?

-From where they had the money to sponzored Club Barcelona?

-Why the bookkeeping is still undercovered?

I demand you to grant my investor protection as soon as possible!
I remain at your disposal for any further clarification you may require.

Date: .. September 2017

Best Regards
............................. from Hungary (EU)"

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