Pénteken több angliai kórház informatikai és távközlési hálózatát érte zsarolóvírus-támadás, amelynek nyomán akadozik az ellátás, a zsarolóvírus pedig egyes gépeken 300 dollárnak megfelelõ összeget követel Bitcoinban.
Ismeretlen gyanús emaileket megnyitás nélkül törölni kell.Semmit nem szabad letölteni és/vagy telepíteni a gépre anélkül, hogy pontosan tudnánk mi is az.
Ha csak ezt a két dolgot betartjuk, sokat tettünk, hogy elkerüljük a fertőzést.
BROÁÁÁÁF namégegyszer
How Does Your Device Get Infected?
Whether they involve a computer nework run by a business or hospital, or just an average person's personal PC, most ransomware infections happen when a user is lured by a bogus “phishing” email to a site that infects his or her computer, or by clicking on an attached file that secretly installs it.
How Can You Avoid Having Your Data Taken Hostage?
You avoid ransomware the same way you avoid any malware infection: By being careful. While that's not always easy, there are things you can do to steer clear of problems.
- Don’t casually click a link inside an email; instead, type the web address directly into your browser.
- Never open an attachment unless you were expecting to receive it and you're certain of what it is.
- Don't spend time in the disreputable corners of the internet that specialize in risqué content or pirated movies; you can get infected simply by visiting a dodgy site.
- Never install software just because a web site tells you to do it.
- And always keep a backup copy of all your personal files on a separate drive or with a "cloud"-based backup service. That way, if the worst happens, you'll always have access to your most important data.
egy amerikai vebszájton kb hasonló tartalmú a hír, mint itt a portfolión, de a következőket is hozzáteszik:
How Does Your Device Get Infected?Whether they involve a computer nework run by a business or hospital, or just an average person's personal PC, most ransomware infections happen when a user is lured by a bogus “phishing” email to a site that infects his or her computer, or by clicking on an attached file that secretly installs it.How Can You Avoid Having Your Data Taken Hostage?You avoid ransomware the same way you avoid any malware infection: By being careful. While that's not always easy, there are things you can do to steer clear of problems.Don’t casually click a link inside an email; instead, type the web address directly into your browser.Never open an attachment unless you were expecting to receive it and you're certain of what it is.Don't spend time in the disreputable corners of the internet that specialize in risqué content or pirated movies; you can get infected simply by visiting a dodgy site.Never install software just because a web site tells you to do it.And always keep a backup copy of all your personal files on a separate drive or with a "cloud"-based backup service. That way, if the worst happens, you'll always have access to your most important data.
mert ugye, amit a "hír" közöl, az számomra, akit még nem ért el, lényegtelen:
- bitcoint kér az adatok nemtörléséért
- sok helyütt fertőzött
- fancy bear is lehet
Kibertámadás ért több angliai kórházat, akadozik az ellátás
Ugrás a cikkhez