...és talán nem is a GDP a leg ijesztőbb, hanem hogy a világ működő tőkéjének fele USA pénz...... de azért nem lepődnék meg, ha mialatt mindenki félve Amerikát figyeli, Ázsia borul be elsőnek.....
"I don't something,who what's the matter for me?I" It does not make sense Dude! "I several times wrote in english language,this truth" ...and this is hunglish, not english as for the word order and tense, plus an "is" after the "this" would be useful...
"Dlph what's the matter for me?" It's 'What's the matter WITH me?' appropriately. It seems u have problems with the prepositions.... Don't be so pushy, it's bighter than Sun, u know shit about english. No fence Buddy.