na ezt még1x, lassan írva és magyarul a lényeget: több mint 90%-kal
csökkent a kovidnak tulajdonított hivatalos olasz (ISS - Italian
National Institute of Health) által halálozási statisztika,
>90%! A járvány kezdete óta hivatalosan COVID-halálként
nyilvántartott 130 468 haláleset közül mindössze 3 783 volt közvetlenül a
vírusnak tulajdonítható! érdekes, h eddig sehol nem olvastam ezt a hírt a mainstreamben... off vége!
off kovid, bocsi! "f the of the 130,468 deaths registered as official COVID deaths since
the start of the pandemic, only 3,783 are directly attributable to the
virus alone.“All the other Italians who lost their lives had from between one and five pre-existing diseases. Of those aged over 67 who died, 7% had more than three co-morbidities, and 18% at least two,” writes Young.“According
to the Institute, 65.8% of Italians who died after being infected with
Covid were ill with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), 23.5%
had dementia, 29.3% had diabetes, and 24.8% atrial fibrillation. Add to
that, 17.4% had lung problems, 16.3% had had cancer in the last five
years and 15.7% suffered from previous heart failures.”The
Institute’s new definition of a COVID death means that COVID has killed
fewer people in Italy than (whisper it) the average bout of seasonal
flu.If a similar change were made by other national governments,
the official COVID death toll would be cut by a margin of greater than
90 per cent."
ha más megközelítéssel, de ugyanaz a kotta, az már akár megerősítése is lehet egy opciós mozgásnak... ;) és akkor 1 ricsi h1 b-flag opció (nem tankönyvi!) ;)
Tőled függetlenül: Alex_001 ma, 10:41#298052Szerintem ez a forgatókönyv 60 perces charton: Szerintem eléggé hasonló az elképzelés :).