Kérdésedet továbbítottam a Flagelláns Testvériség felé. Ők azt válaszolták, hogy a részvényesek bármikor hódolhatnak eme szokásuknak, de a zenei aláfestést inkább a Flagelláns Induló szolgálja. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxtWnAe5ja8
On blistered feet Still marching on Hands full with 4iG All hope is gone Lash on your back With pure intent Welts on your skin The punishment Raise your whip and flay your flesh Join our congregation True bagholders come with us In corporeal damnation To feel glory, When sinew is stripped from bone And to feel closer To he who made this our life Embracing the shame Of sins that you've seen It won't go away You are so unclean The pain and the guilt It all seems so sad he penance is just Or deeds gone mad So many lies to bestow upon yourself Smiling through tears and screams With wounds so fresh Guilt ridden, all for nothing, wretched still Mortification of the sinful flesh
4iG károsultak, kitömöttek brühühü topicja