Topiknyitó: stock33 2018. 02. 26. 17:49

"Békemenet", avagy kiállás a korrupció és pedofilsimizés mellett
"Március 15-én újra Békemenet lesz"
több millióan lesznek. a kossuth téren. külföldről buszoztatottak mennyien lesznek? :)
Hozzászólások oldalanként:
gambadoro 2018. 03. 16. 17:34
Előzmény: #1394  HPeter76
1. Lorinc Meszaros (52)
A childhood friend of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, he is mayor of Felcsut, Orban’s home village, and worth $415 million according to Forbes Hungary’s Rich List – he ranks No. 8 nationwide. He controls Hotel Balaton and the former Hotel Fonix through Konzum, a holding company; and has direct or indirect control of dozens of tourist properties around the lake. Konzum also owns the company which operates Zala camping, another Keszthely lakeside business. Meszaros owns shares or control of more than 125 companies to date including media, construction and Hungary’s fourth largest bank.2. Gellert Jaszai (43)
CEO and co-owner of Konzum, which owns Hotel Balaton and former Hotel Fonix, Jaszai is an important executive in the Meszaros empire. He said the hotels are not strategically important for Konzum and the Keszthely investors have no joint strategy. He is not a major player in public procurement in his own right.MAGNATE: Laszlo Szijj (top), No. 9 on Hungary’s Rich List, bought a stake in Hotel Via, which was awaiting renovation in September 2017. REUTERS/Balazs Szekelyhidi/Magyar Nemzet, Laszlo Balogh3. Laszlo Szijj (59)
No. 9 in Forbes Hungary’s Rich List. A Szijj company bought a stake in Hotel Via in phases from 2015. He is a construction magnate whose fortunes have soared since Orban split with another ally, Lajos Simicska, that year. About a quarter of public procurement tenders won by Meszaros companies since 2005 were in consortia with Szijj’s. They have also co-owned at least three companies, company documents show.4. Karoly Varga (55)
Varga is from the same town as Laszlo Szijj, and has owned many businesses with him, including the one which bought Hotel Via. He is No. 22 on Hungary’s Forbes rich list. The pair have won lots of public procurement contracts together.5. Ferenc Kovacs  (38)
Holder of 33.75 percent of the Keszthely Yacht Club, according to company documents. His other companies include construction firms which scored public procurement contracts mainly in water management and sewer construction. He said his activity was free of politics and based solely on business considerations.6. Krisztian Lukacs (43)
A lawyer and former procurement tender adviser, Lukacs, like Kovacs, holds 33.75 percent of the Keszthely Yacht Club, company documents show. Lukacs says he has not participated in public procurements for years, and has no links to politics.7. Attila Paar (45)
The main owner and executive of West Hungaria Bau (WHB), an industrial and construction group. Paar’s business interests have participated in several billion dollars’ worth of successful public procurement tenders.He has bought stakes in businesses controlled by Istvan Tiborcz several times. In 2015, company documents show, he purchased Tiborcz’s stake in Green Investments, the company Tiborcz used to buy the Keszthely Yacht Club.PACKAGE: Hotel Helikon, top, now closed for renovation and Hotel Hullam, were sold in a package. REUTERS/Bernadett SzaboThis year Paar also bought 70 percent of shares in Pannon Tessera Hospitalis, a company which bought the Helikon Hotel and Hotel Hullam. Paar owns a share in the land and buildings of Zala camping, but not in the company which operates it.In turn, Tiborcz bought a majority stake in a WHB real estate company in 2016, passing it to an entity in the Virgin Islands, company documents show. Paar remains a minority owner of that firm.8. Istvan Szeivolt (70)
Owner of a construction conglomerate and companies with a strong track record in public procurement tenders, where he has occasionally partnered Meszaros. He participates in Keszthely as a partial owner of  the land and buildings of Zala camping, alongside Attila Paar.9. Adam Fintha-Nagy (44)
A lawyer. In January he bought the largest single stake in the company that owns Hotel Helikon and Hotel Hullam. His holding entitles him to more than 45 percent of any profit and includes a share that gives first refusal on further stakes.10. Istvan Tiborcz (31)
Married to Rahel Orban, he has dozens of companies. He often operates in close alliance with school friend Endre Hamar - for instance on the purchase of Keszthely Yacht Club in 2014 (he sold his stake in 2015). He has bought property around the country, including a stake in Hotel Helikon and Hotel Hullam in Keszthely.
Mikieger85 2018. 03. 16. 17:33
Előzmény: törölt hozzászólás
Akinek Orbán nem tetszik, az soros embere? Francba, nem is tudtam, majd figyelem a bankszámlát, hátha utal fizetést.
HPeter76 2018. 03. 16. 17:32
Előzmény: #1386  gambadoro
:):):) jó kérdés..
Mikieger85 2018. 03. 16. 17:31
Előzmény: #1381  pitcairn2
Mert muszáj egyéni konnektorszabvánnyal dolgoznunk? Persze, nem muszáj részt venned a nemzetközi gazdasági körforgásban, csak akkor ne keress banánt a piacon.
ts3 2018. 03. 16. 17:31
Előzmény: #1377  pitcairn2
Azért az a "minden adott" a győzelemhez, nem fedi a valóságot.
HPeter76 2018. 03. 16. 17:31
Előzmény: törölt hozzászólás
Hát van, ezt tényleg nem kétlem..
HPeter76 2018. 03. 16. 17:29
Előzmény: #1388  rockmaster
Úgyan Te ezt annak tudod be!! nekem sose volt az ellenségem Baloldalon ütték verték ahol érték..
HPeter76 2018. 03. 16. 17:26
Előzmény: #1390  Törölt felhasználó
már én is unnom ezt a latolgatást.. nehéz más fejével eredményt előrehozni...
HPeter76 2018. 03. 16. 17:25
Előzmény: #1389  HPeter76
felső mondt máshonnn szármzik,,,
Törölt felhasználó 2018. 03. 16. 17:24
Előzmény: #1378  pitcairn2
bármi lesz az eredmény, az ország szopóágon marad jó pár évig, ezért nem foglalkozom azzal, hogy ki nyer/nyerhet.
most a kárelhárítás aktuális.
HPeter76 2018. 03. 16. 17:24
Előzmény: #1373  pitcairn2
Kimentek az Eustámogtásból, AZTÁN 25 MILIÁRD Euró IMF-EUS HITEL FOGJUNK BELE!!::))
AJobbij még ezt is felül írhatja.. na na..
rockmaster 2018. 03. 16. 17:23
Lefoglalta a rendőrség a Fidesz és Lévai Katalin ajánlásait:
Máris kezdi az Orbán-párt a csalást.
Karvalytokes 2018. 03. 16. 17:23
Törölt hozzászólás
gambadoro 2018. 03. 16. 17:22
Előzmény: #1384  pitcairn2
mersz fogadni? igazi tétben
gambadoro 2018. 03. 16. 17:22
Előzmény: #1377  pitcairn2
egy éve osztogatnak folyamatosan
pitcairn2 2018. 03. 16. 17:22
Előzmény: #1383  gambadoro
az ellenzék nyerni fog:)
gambadoro 2018. 03. 16. 17:21
Előzmény: #1373  pitcairn2
egyik sem
te tudod a legjobban
pitcairn2 2018. 03. 16. 17:20
Előzmény: #1379  Mikieger85
EU konform történet:)
pitcairn2 2018. 03. 16. 17:20
Előzmény: #1380  pitcairn2
talán vitatod azt, hogy 170 ezer oldal uniós joganyagot vettünk át és az érdemi jogalkotási kompetenciákat uniós szintre delegáltuk?:)

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